There are a variety of messages in this haftorah:
The purple references Hashem’s manifestation in Kabbalah on the levels of Yetzirah, the level of forming, where the unknowable becomes knowable. Hashem’s metaphoric hand extends to the created earth having given breath to the sounds and being the light for the nations, Hashem makes the blind see and shines light on the dark path making the crooked straight and all the peoples in the cities and on the mountains shall praise Hashem and sing praises to the one who creates life beneath the seas and though drought comes and sometimes we are trapped in symbolic holes, Hashem is our warrior and like the weeping traveling widow we must with our ears listen and reject the gods of others and we shall then walk through the raging waters and fires and the attacking chariots. Despite the dangers of the material world we have a guide for our survival and transcendence.