Balak (“Balak son of Zippur”)

Numbers 22:2 – 25:9

Zimri one of the tribe of Shimon ( whose color is green) had intercourse brazenly in front of the Tabernacle with a Midyanite woman who practiced idol worship that included defecation before the idol. Pinchas of the tribe of Levi incensed by this sacrilege, speared both of them miraculously without emitting any blood (keeping this from becoming a revenge crime.) 

Above them is the sorcerer priest Balaam who had sent the Midyanite women to seduce the Hebrews and had also been hired by Balak their king to curse the Hebrews with his magic.  When he set out under the morning star Balaam’s she-ass balked seeing an angel blocking the tight stone path with a flaming sword ( ten flames for each Kabbalisitic sephirot) and then the she ass spoke out loud to Balaam of his unjust behavior.