Who was the being that Jacob wrestled through the night into the dawn? Some sages say it was Jacob’s brother Esau’s angel. Esau had gathered a group to wreak revenge on his brother. Others say it was a messenger (the translation of the Hebrew malak which is the word used in Torah) from Hashem challenging the faith of Jacob. The dust from their battle rose up to the higher worlds. From dust we come and to dust we go and in the process we may transform from the material to the spiritual. Others say it was Jacob wrestling with his inner demon like we often do. When the malak touched the ground sparks of fire rose up. When Jacob lifted it off the ground it lost its power. Sages say that the malak grabbed Jacob’s penis to wound him but this part of the story got “cleaned up” later to be his thigh. Jacob had separated his family and possessions like these small jars on the two sides of the Jabbok river to protect at least one of the group. When we battle our opponents best to prepare for unexpected consequences.