The seven Aliyahs of Vayikra
top right – Moses is communicated by Hashem through the opening of the cherubim on the ark and here he is told about the laws of elective burnt offering of cattle, sheep or goat.
top left – If poor and not able to bring larger animals, a fowl is offered and the Kohen splits its head. And if even poorer, than bread or even grain covered in oil and frankincense are accepted as voluntary sacrifices.
top center – All offerings are to be salted reminding us of the sea that started life.
bottom right – Specific distinctions of sacrifices include the peace offering and one who offers the animal places hands on its head to recognize it is a substitute for us.
bottom left – The Kohen Godol or the king or the 70 Sanhedrin too had to make sin offering sacrifices for their wrongdoings.
bottom center – Touching the dead was contaminating the living and called for appropriate sacrifices which always included the throwing of blood on the altar from either the wealthy offering of sheep or goat or of two birds from the less rich.
center center – This last Aliyah mentions some specific wrongdoings like cheating in financial exchanges where the offender was to repay honestly and make a guilt offering acknowledging his transgression.