The seven Aliyahs of Vayigash
top right – Brothers in conflict. Judah both threatens and pleads for Joseph who he doesn’t know is his brother to let the youngest Benjamin be freed. With that rock in his hand, he warns he can crush Joseph as he might Egypt itself.
top left – Joseph reveals to his brothers who he is by showing them his circumcised penis.
top center – Joseph embraces his youngest brother Benjamin and his other brothers as Pharaoh approves.
bottom right – Jacob learns from a song from Serach his daughter that Joseph is alive and provisions in wagons have been sent to help them during the famine.
bottom left – Hashem communicates to Jacob that his eyes in death will be closed by Joseph as he and his household of 70 move to Egypt where Judah has prepared schools for Jewish learning.
bottom center – Jacob is brought before Pharaoh and the ceiling magically raises so he isn’t forced to bow before the dictator, and he blesses Pharaoh acknowledging that his people are shepherds who the Egyptian despise.
center center – Joseph as the viceroy has stored grain for the famine and the Egyptians become indebted to him for saving them.