This parsha relates the physical and spiritual journeys of Abraham starting at the lower right and moving up and around. As the welcomer of all strangers, he is visited by three beings who he treats as immigrants on their way, but they are actually angels predicting, to the laughter of his wife Sarah, that they will have a child deep into their nineties. They also tell him of the intended destruction of the corrupt city of Sodom, and Abraham pleads with Hashem to spare the city. The smaller character at the door is Lot blocking the Sodomites from entering his house to molest the visitors. Above is Lot’s wife turned to salt and above that is one of his daughters having sex with him to produce children in what she thought was the end of the human race. And then there is Abimelech making a treaty of peace. And then, (what an active life), Abraham kicks Hagar and Ishmael out of their home, she thinks they will die, but an angel points to water to keep them alive; and then comes the “Akeda”, the near sacrifice of Isaac, note Isaac is not a boy but a man. Imagine him agreeing to this sacrifice.