The seven Aliyahs of Vayelech:
top right – Moses addresses the people. These will be his last words.
top left – He reminds us how Hashem helped us defeat our enemies represented by the villain sociopathic egomaniacs Kings Sihon and Oga.
top center – Moses summons Joshua to carry on with the wisdom of Torah and gives it to the Kohanim priests and elders.
bottom right – Moses speaks of the gathering of all the people on Sabbatical years to hear sections of the Torah.
bottom left – Moses is told that the people will abandon the faith and he is to write a “song” that will be the next parsha Joshua is to be his witness before the Mishkan gate and the cloud that guides by day.
bottom center – Moses knows of future misfortunes for the people as they grow fat and worship other gods of greed.
center center – The completed Torah scroll is given to the Levites to be placed in the Ark that contains the Tablets.