The seven Aliyahs of Vayeishav
top right – Joseph the dreamer. You can make enemies if you are preferred by a parent and predict the family’s obeisance.
top left – Now here’s a strange journey. An angel tells Jacob where his brothers are, and this encounter will lead to his enslavement and to Jews coming to Egypt and being enslaved which will lead to their freedom and revelation.
top center – Jacob will mourn the supposed death of his favorite for years as somewhere in his soul he knew Joseph wasn’t dead.
bottom right – Here’s a shift. We are reading the story of Judah whose son dies and the next ones including Onan will not breed with his wife Tamar in the levirate marriage process. A horny Judah has sex with Tamar disguised as a prostitute who becomes pregnant and when accused of impropriety, she reveals it was Judah who fathered this child and he admits it.
bottom left – Joseph sold to Potiphar’s home becomes head of his household for his smarts and he curls his hair preening his power.
bottom center – Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce Joseph, but when he sees his father Jacob’s face before him, he pulls away.
center center – Joseph still is imprisoned for the accused sexual advance and in prison through Hashem’s guidance interprets dreams of the wine steward and the baker who serve Pharaoh.