The seven Aliyahs of Vayechi
This parsha like most of Genesis is about resolving conflicts between brothers. It started with Cain and Abel, then Isaac and Ishmael, and Jacob and Esau, and Joseph and his brethren.
The colors in all of these drawings refer to the Sephirot and the patriarchs associated with them. So, blue is chesed – kindness – associated with Abraham. Red – gevura – restraint – Isaac. And here, yellow – tifferet – harmony – Jacob. Purple – yesod – foundation – Joseph. And each of his brothers has colors and symbols associated with their tribes.
top right – Jacob, knowing his death is coming, with the continue guidance of the Shekhina the feminine aspect of Hashem, he asks Joseph to swear by putting his hand on Jacob’s inner thigh that he will bury him in Israel.
top left – Jacob shifts his hands to bless the younger brother Ephraim first before Mannaseh. These two brothers got along despite the unexpected shift of blessings.
top center – Joseph tries to correct Jacob’s choice.
bottom right – Jacob tells some of his sons what will their futures be.
bottom left – and he continues informing these other sons of their potentials.
bottom center – Jacob is brought by his sons, accompanied by Egyptian hierarchy, to the cave of Machpelah where his ancestors are buried. They pass the well where Joseph was thrown, and also the now beheaded Esau, who tried to prevent his brother’s burial.
center center – Joseph assures his brothers that he has no vengeance toward them for what they did to him in the past, as it has led to good in the present, like his leadership and ending the famine, and he tells his brothers that he will continue to care for them.
May the misfortunes of our recent past lead to good things in our near futures.