How events repeat in newer forms. Here Jacob as an old man with vision issues like his father Isaac, is about to bless his favorite son Joseph’s sons. And like with Isaac, the expected one for the blessing Essau was passed over. And here now Jacob does something similar. Joseph expected the elder Manasseh to receive the blessing, but Jacob crosses hands and blesses the younger one Ephraim saying that he will be to the one to advance spiritually. Behind Jacob is an angel much like in his past guiding him. It is said we each have one guiding us as well. Here the color of the Kabbalah sephirot are used with Jacob in yellow for Tifferet the sephirot of harmony. Joseph in purple for Yesod, foundation. Ephraim’s green and Manasseh’s orange associated with their tribe colors and that angel in purple associated with the world of Yetzirah.