The seven Aliyahs of Vayak’hel

top right – Moses addresses the community (wearing a mask as his face radiated from his encounters with Hashem – we should have that too as a reason to mask up).  He proclaims that a Sanctuary should be constructed of specific elements, materials, and vessels.

top left  – The people come forward donating what was needed including women removing gold coverings off their genitals (!)

top center – Bezalel inspired by Hashem, and Oholiab are the designers of the Mishkan and the people were so generous that Moses had to tell them to stop donating.

bottom right – Bezalel and Oholiab work creating the tapestries.

bottom left – The craftspeople assemble all the elements of the Mishkan including putting gold on the wooden planks.

bottom center – Bezalel finishes the construction of the menorah and incense altar and anoints them with oil

center center – Bezalel completes the construction with the copper wash stand and outer altar and the curtains.