Va”era (“Hashem spoke to Moses.”)

Exodus 6:2 – 9:35

Charged with confronting Pharaoh, Moses who stuttered from a childhood incident where he chose a burning coal over a piece of gold and put it in his mouth, now is with his brother Aaron who will speak for him.  Knowing the intimately the etiquette of the court having been raised here, Moses approaches where Pharaoh goes to the bathroom. Here Pharaoh is no longer a god king but just another man eliminating.  Told to “let my people go” Pharaoh scoffs and as a result the first plague begins with turning the Nile into blood.  It is Aaron who places his staff into the river but Moses whose hands are the channel of the will of Hashem. On the wall of the Egyptian palace in the background are the sun god Ra with the head of a falcon and the red sun disk above him – this was a king of their gods each day dying to night and the god with the black head of the jackal Anubis who god of embalming and part of the Egyptian death culture.