In this Haftorah Ezekiel has words put in his mouth by Hashem and he speaks to the coming dissolution of Egypt where, in the metaphor, the crocodile, their power, will be hooked and dragged from its source the Nile, and with it all that feeds it, symbolized by the attached fish. Their arrogant empire will disappear as it indeed did, shown here on the bottom left. And like with other prophets there are the positive and negative utterances. The negative is that the Babylonians will descend on the people, and the positive in that we will reconstruct our cities and our vineyards will grow – all a promise of our survival. So, in the coming season we will have our own roller coaster rides of failures and successes and if we hold on to the center of Hashem’s truth, we too not only will survive, but offer sustenance to others. May it be so.