This haftorah is filled with miracles. It starts with Elisha being told that the twenty loaves of bread will not feed the hundred gathered, but the loaves did indeed feed them all. The story now goes to Naaman a captain of an invading kingdom and he is covered with leprosy. A young Hebrew captive girl is brought by his wife and the girl speaks of the healing powers of Elisha. Naaman then demands of the then king of Israel with monetary offers to get a healing. The king is desperate tearing his clothes as he doesn’t know what to do as he has no power over Elisha. Naaman then goes to where Elisha lives, but the prophet refuses to see him. He has word sent that Naaman should dip himself seven times in the Jordan. Reluctantly he does so and miraculously he is completely cured. May we deserve such healing blessings and when told what to do may we have the sekhel to do it.