This parsha begins with circumcision process which included the woman’s sacrificing a lamb and a turtle dove for both olah thanksgiving and sin expressions. The idea of the sin sacrifice is a reflection of the challenge of bringing life with all the pains of childbirth that stir anger and regret. So say some sages, but there is also the idea that sins sit next to us the moment we are born and this is an expiation and maybe a prophylactic to the future sins that we all commit. And there is also the blood itself, and any bodily discharge was an issue for these times. Most of the rest of the parsha is concerned with such discharges, like a growth of a white spot on a bald head and if yellow hairs revealed depth than the priest who examined the person would have them quarantined. There were many causes attributed to these various growths and emission and one was lashon hara – evil speech – where you speak it and hear it and pass it on. This according to our sages is one of the most harmful sins. What words can do!