This week’s parsha is about the construction of the Mishkan – a physical reflection of the order and purpose of the holy structure of our lives. It is filled with symbols like the menorah made from one nugget of gold that formed first in four burning colors which then became the seven-armed golden menorah reminding us that we are made from One. Its arms extend upwards with meanings for each of its parts. It is said to represent the human mind grounded in the visible and reaching for the heavens and, once lit, bringing back to us wisdom and love. Each of the 22 upside down goblets has emblazoned on it the Hebrew letters and aims downward to have blessings flow toward us, and each of the seven arms speak to the 7 Torah sections (according to some readings} and these arms are associated with the physical and spiritual characteristics of the Sephirot – reaching upwards to connect with Hashem.