The seven Aliyahs of Terumah
This is the first of at least seven more parshas that are dedicated to the Mishkan. The rabbis comment that only one parsha is concerned with Hashem creating the universe, while so many more parshot are concerned with creating this place for Hashem. What is happening here? Hashem made a place for us, and our intention is to make a place for Hashem, but because of our separation and egoism, we often have no time to make space for Hashem, so here is all this energy concentrating on our creating a space for Hashem.
top right – Moses has a vision from Hashem of what the Mishkan and its vessels will look like. He sees the container for the future tablets, gold inside and gold outside as we are too to be authentic within and without. People volunteer contributions to make this structure – 13 elements are mentioned including gold, silver, copper, various kinds of cloth and wood and incense and what will be the sacred stones.
top left – The top of the ark envisioned by Moses was one golden structure that evolved into the two cherubim. Various versions have been told of how they appeared, but one stands out that they were in an embrace, male and female, suggesting the union of all of us. Here too is the showbread table for 12 loaves. All of these structures have deeper meanings. Here the ark associated with our mouth, our capacity to be truthful.
top center – Here is the Menorah each of the apples in its structure associates with the sephirot of the tree of life and the eyes are also suggested for us to see what is real and honest.
bottom right – The Mishkan was a portable structure, and the inner chamber is in detail described in how to make the walls from acacia wood covered in gold.
bottom left – And in that inner chamber are placed the menorah and showbread table.
bottom center – Here is the copper altar with its four horns on the corner. Again it was on the mountain behind this where Moses envisioned the Mishkan and its vessels.
center center – Here is the Mishkan with its entrance and outer chamber.