The seven Aliyahs of Tazaria-Metzora
So much of this strange parsha concerns skin diseases as a sign of wrong doing and most of that is associated with ‘lashon hara’ – evil speech. A major sin in our tradition, up there with idolatry.
top right – The priest checks for impurities of the skin as sign of someone who speaks ill of others. Also here is mentioned the ritual of circumcision and the sacrifices of a woman giving birth.
top left – Here the priest checks for signs of yellow hairs on lesions again a sign of impurity. In those days if you were cruel to others it manifested in growths on your skin. And here a man shaves all his body hair if another affected skin emerges.
top center – If you are losing your hair, the priest checks for signs and if clean – no problem. Clothes too can show signs of infected behavior and they are to be burned.
bottom right – Moses is told that the afflicted person shall be brought before a kohen who will go through a ritual of cleanliness that includes spreading the blood of the sacrificed bird dipped in spring water on the person.
bottom left – Here the priest waves the sacrificial animal and puts blood on the right toe and thumb and ear of the person so that they walk with righteousness, do justice, and hear the truth. If he is poor two turtle doves can be used for the sacrifice.
bottom center – Here both Moses and Aaron are told by Hashem that houses too can be infected. The kohen goes through the process of identifying and purifying. This section also speaks to a man’s discharge and if a saddle or furniture is touched, these also must be cleaned.
center center – This last one speaks to male emissions and female menstrual issues and if they are exposed to each other, they too will need to go through a purification process with sacrifices like two doves.