I find the haftorah at times challenging to understand and visualize. They are filled with paradoxes. Promises for redemption and regeneration at the same time harshly condemning the people for abandoning Torah. I made two versions of this portion from Isaiah. One that emphasized the negative. What is in the upper right – the drunken dissolute Ephraimites – I had put them in the center and the fruit tree where the drunks are. But as I reconsidered, I was troubled by making the misguided large, so I decided to center the tree. Push the positive. We are told that we will find our roots again we will provide fruit for the world. The design in the center of the tree is of the Sephirot, our spiritual tree of life. The reprobates lead to the destruction of cities seen below them with cracking down some of the idols but not all, one stands, and the calf eats the remnants of our foul doings. But the spiritual shofar will wake us up and though the crown, the corrupt leadership, will be crushed and hail fail on us, the hand of Hashem will lead us one by one back to prayer at the mountain of Jerusalem.