The seven Aliyahs of Shemini

top right – Aaron brings a bull for sacrifice as in part an offering to compensate for his allowing the golden calf to have been made. One of his sons brings a ram reflective of Isaac. And these blessings brought the presence of Hashem descending to the altar.

top left – Moses and Aaron bless the congregation.

top center – Here we have a troubling moment in Torah.  Here the two sons of Aaron – Nadab and Abibu light an inappropriate fire and bring it into the Mishkan and their souls are sucked out of them. What did they do wrong? Some rabbis say they drank too much.  Some say they were so interested in connecting to the eternal that they abandoned their responsibility to being here.

bottom right – Moses waves the sacrifice and Aaron and his sons the Levites are permitted to eat of certain sacrifices for their service in the Mishkan.

bottom left – Aaron challenges Moses about his sacrificial behavior after his sons’ death and Moses realizes Aaron is right.

bottom center – Here the Torah tells what is allowed to be eaten – the cloven hooved animal that chews its cud and the scaled fish but not certain birds and animals like the camel and the pig.

center center – More restrictions are listed like not eating snakes and scorpions and centipedes and touching the bones of dead animals, and pots, touching these are to be broken.