The seven Aliyahs of Shelach

top right – Moses has leaders from each of the tribes head out into Canaan to find out about the land, its productivity and the inhabitants.

top left – Ten of the “spies” return with large grapes on two poles and pomegranates and a declaration that the inhabitants of Canaan are giants and too dangerous to confront.  Joshua and Caleb disagree and tear their own clothes when the bad news spreads and Moses and Aaron bow before the other leaders in humility still advocating Hashem’s support.

top center – Hashem in “anger” speaks to Moses through the cloud in the Mishkan threatening to destroy the Israelites who have already abandoned their faith despite being led to freedom.  Moses argues with Hashem that such harsh punishment will only encourage the oppressors like the Egyptians that Hashem is like one of their idol vengeful gods.  Caleb witnesses this confrontation. 

bottom right – The spies who lied have their tongues extended and invaded by worms. Appropriate punishment for lying.  Wouldn’t it be fascinating if that happened to those who lie today!  But still rebellious the Hebrews decide to invade Canaan though Moses warns they are not cohesive to take on enemies and his prediction comes true as the Canaanites come down and defeat the Hebrews in battle. 

bottom left – And now a strange turn in the Aliyahs.  This one is about the Jew and the convert being treated equally offering sacrifices.  No one better than the other.

bottom center – And here in the process of sacrifices Moses speaks to the challah having a portion set aside in appreciation of the gifts of Hashem.

center center – Here the man carrying wood on Shabbos is breaking the laws and is condemned.  And the people are told to wear blue fringes on four cornered garments to remind the continuously of Hashem being everywhere.