The seven Aliyahs of Re’eh

top right – Two mountains on the other side of the Jordan become symbols for ways of being.  One blessed on the left Mount Gerizim and the other where abandoning truth brings on curses.  So, destroy false idols.

top left – We are told to celebrate the blessings, all members of our families and those who serve us as well.  We are to feast with meats and to sacrifice appropriately and to never consume the blood of another being.

top center – We are warned to eliminate false prophets who claim to work magic and tell us to worship deceiving idols.

bottom right – We are told not to cut or tattoo our bodies.  And here are listed the animals and birds and fish we are allowed to eat, and those that we are not.  

bottom left – We are to provide one tenth of our earnings to the Levites who did not own land and served all of us by caring for the Temple and sacred spaces and prayers. If we could not bring sacrifices to the Temple we could exchange our produce, animals,  for money, and then buy what we desire.

bottom center – At the end of seven years you shall release your servants and provide for them in the freedom so that there are no poor among us!  We are to open our hands wide a provide for their needs.

center center – And again in this parsha we are called on to celebrate, and to honor the three festivals – Pesach, Sukkot and Shavuot.