The seven Aliyahs of Pekudei
top right – All the elements of the Mishkan are listed, gold, silver, copper, all kinds of cloth under the instruction of Bezalel who was only 14, and Oholiab, and Aaron’s son Ithamar.
top left – The ephod and the stone studded Breastplate are assembled.
top center – All the priestly garments are described and woven again under the guidance of Bezalel.
bottom right – Moses blessed all the workers who were mostly Levites for all the things they have made.
bottom left – Moses places all the vessels in their place and blesses Aaron and his sons as the first Kohanim.
bottom center – Moses places the tablets in the golden ark.
center center – Moses creates the Mishkan through the inspiration of Hashem, making it happen, and the Cloud of Glory rests on the Tabernacle.