Mishpatim (“And these are the ordinances”)

Exodus 21:1 – 24:18

Moses, Aaron, Nadav, Avihu and the Seventy Elders were given the vision of the “kisay hakavod” – the Throne of Glory – amidst the heavens.  This is represented by the sapphire stone emerging from the clouds.

Below is the angel Metatron  who became the messenger of Hashem once Hashem withdrew from direct communication when the children of Israel sinned with the incident of the “aigel” – the Golden Calf.

Among the ethical ordinances shown here are:

Bottom left:

The consequences for a thief tunneling to steal. Above the law regarding Hebrew Slaves who were to be freed by their owner after six years unless they wished to remain in the service and then their master bore a hole in their ear by the door of a house and on a deeper level this is a sign of commitment to Torah.

To the right if a there is a struggle and a pregnant woman is injured this will generate punishment.

Above is the balance of eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth which the rabbis interpret not literally but as a sign of finding the appropriate compensation here indicated by gold on the other side of the balance.

Also in the image are other laws about taking responsibilities for one’s property like an ox goring someone, or stealing a sheep, or setting fire to crops, or seducing a virgin or lying with an animal or aiding the burden of a donkey even if it is your enemy’s.