Genesis 41:1 –44:17
Joseph’s prophetic accuracy led him out of prison and into service of Pharaoh where he rose to become viceroy. He wears the wardrobe of power. Behind him in his palace are his brothers. They have come down from Canaan because of a famine there and Joseph recognized them and set a feast for them though they did not know who he really was. Here we see the brothers. Each wears the color and image associated with his tribe – eg: Judah wearing blue and a lion. At the head of the table is Benjamin who was Joseph’s brother by his mother and who had not participated in the sale of Joseph. Benjamin was given a special goblet which he holds.
Joseph was so overwhelmed by the presence of his brothers that he had to leave the meal and wept outside the room. The images on the wall include the ankh – symbol of the breath of life and sometimes associated with an exception to Egyptian religion in that it meant that there was only one creator; also here is the wedjat eye – a symbol of protection; and the sun and scarab – Egyptian symbols of creation. And above the door are the wings of Ma’at the goddess of justice.