

Who are we meant to be with? In this parsha which is mostly devoted to Joseph dealing with his brothers, there is also a sentence mentioning his marriage to Asenath Some say she was the daughter of Potiphar‘s wife who had tried to seduce Joseph. She had an astrological chart that predicted powerful people would emerge from her, but this was meant for her daughter. Others say she was Dinah the raped sister of Joseph’s brothers, who was later adapted by this Egyptian family, Now Joseph, having  risen to Viceroy and described as incredibly handsome, would ride through the streets and women would come to the balconies, throwing their jewelry at him to get his attention, and one jewel that he caught had written the Hebrew letters for God, and he looked up to see whose that was, and that was how he and Asaneth connected – though God with archangel Michael helping to manipulating this encounter.  May we too be guided by The One to ones we will love.