How many steps must we take to confront power with truth? In Joseph’s case, after two years in prison, he is suddenly released to come into Pharaoh’s presence to interpret his dreams. There were seventy steps leading up to the throne, each one representing a different culture and language. Since few people knew more than two or three, they couldn’t get close to the power person. But the night before the Midrash says an angel educated Joseph in all the languages, like the downloading scenes in the movie The Matrix, and Joseph could now step right up to the Pharaoh, and the last language he spoke was Hebrew which Pharaoh did not himself know. So, Joseph’s greeting of “shalom alechiem” confused Pharaoh and he was intimidated by Joseph fearing his confidence. Joseph explained that this was the original language. Joseph’s knowledge impressed this megalomaniacal leader. May wisdom and truth triumph over ignorance and power-driven egotism.