Korach (“Korach son of Izhar”)

Numbers 16:1 – 18:32

Korach who was a money hungry first cousin of Moses and was angered that he was not as important as he wanted to be.  His desire and envy led him to incite a rebellion by challenging Moses’ leadership and the laws subsequent to the 10 commandments ( which were the only ones the people heard at Mt. Sinai). Moses answered the attacks suggesting a test that Korach and his followers enter the Tabernacle with pans filled with their incense offerings knowing that only the righteous can survive such offers.  Korach and his group appeared the next morning at the Tabernacle and a miracle happened with the earth splitting up and sucking them down and a fire from heaven came down and consumed them.

On the lower left are the staffs of the tribes that were placed in the Tabernacle overnight and the one from the tribe of Levi blossomed with flowers showing that indeed they were the chosen tribe to do service in the Tabernacle.