Ki tisa (“Hashem spoke to Moses saying ‘when you take a census.)

Exodus 30:11 – 34:35

When Moses didn’t return from his forty days on the fiery Mt. Sinai (the Hebrews had not accurately counted the time) they became fearful that he was dead and demanded of Aaron that some symbol be created as an intermediary for them and Hashem so used to the Egyptian experience of their many idols and Aaron complied creating the “aigel” – the Golden Calf.  Revels began that some say led to an orgy of licentiousness.

When Moses arrived with the “luchot” – the ten commandments which were carved out on sapphire like stones he heaved them to the ground in rage.  When he returned he was so in touch with the divine that he radiated light from his face and head.

The water seen here is the river flowing out from Pardes – the hidden sacred garden of Paradise.