lijah challenges us: ”How long will we hobble between two opinions?” We either are siding with corrupt leadership and false prophets – followers of Baal; or we side with truth, compassion and Hashem. Elijah demanded the prophet Obidiah who had helped save the Jewish sages hiding them in caves to now have them gather round Mount Carmel and for him to confront the deceitful arrogant narcissist Ahab with his foul wife Jezebel who have been slaughtering the innocents and have them and their priests come to a contest. They are to sacrifice a bull and have their god come down before sunset and set fire to their offerings. They dance and hop around cutting themselves to make this happen. It doesn’t. They have been worshiping false gods. Elijah sets up 12 stone representing the 12 tribes and has a cut bull put up on this altar, and four jugs of water are poured on the offering and a water ditch surrounds it, and then a fire from Hashem above descends to light this offering. Our people bow down proclaiming: “God, is our Lord.”