The seven Aliyahs of Kedoshim
top right – Moses is told to instruct us to not be liars and thieves, to not worship false gods, to make appropriate sacrifices and to leave the gleanings of crops and vines for the less fortunate and to not put stumbling blocks in the way of the blind, for “I am Hashem.”
top left – Here is written the famed love thy neighbor as thyself. And do not gossip – a major sin! Be just in judgement and not favor the rich. Do not cross breed animals. And there is mentioned a punishment for adultery with a servant.
top center – We are to let the fruit remain on its tree in its first three years. We are not to tattoo ourselves and not cut the corners of our beards. We are not to follow superstitions or omens like a bird’s flight, or to prostitute our daughters. And we are to respect the elderly.
bottom right – We are to love the stranger. And we are to be truthful in business and fare in measuring.
bottom left – We are not to follow Moloch or false god.
bottom center – Another list of sexual restrictions.
center center – We are told we will enter a land flowing with milk and honey as Hashem is our G-d. We are reminded of animals to eat and others forbidden, as well as warnings to stone the superstitious worshipers of sorcery.