The seven Aliyahs of Emor
top right – Moses is told to tell the Kohen Gadol not to touch a dead body as he is a symbol of life. He is to marry a virgin and stay away from prostitutes and should his daughter dramatically sin she should be burned. Another time. Not now.
top left – Moses is told to inform the kohens that those who are physically challenged – dwarfs, a man with a crushed ball, or too big an eye, or broken bones or night emissions, or eating dead birds carcass, are not allowed to enter the Mishkan services.
top center – Moses is told that only animals with no blemishes could be used for sacrifices.
bottom right – Moses it told to tell the people to celebrate Shabbos and Pesach and leave the corners of the field to the poor.
bottom left – Moses speaks of celebrating Yom Kippur.
bottom center – Moses speaks to the celebration of Sukkot.
center center – And Moses speaks to the continual lighting of the menorah and the placement of the 12 showbreads and here too are the mentions of eye for and eye, and what should be paid for the damage and the last note is about the gossiping woman and two men fighting after blaspheming Hashem’s name.