The seven Aliyahs of Chukat

top right – So here comes one of the Torah strangeness about the red heifer. It relates to being in the presence and touching the dead.  Since Judaism emphasizes life over the other cultures adoration of death like the Egyptians, the idea of separation and cleansing from death becomes this symbol of the rare – as it is difficult to truly separate from death – the symbol of the pure red heifer that is sacrificed with symbols of earth the cedar, the hyssop the lowliest or plants, a crimson thread and water all of which when burned together is to be thrown onto who sacrifices.  Bizarre and suggestive. 

top left  Talking of death – Miriam dies – and with her the blessing of the rock that traveled with the Israelites and provided water in the desert.  A miracle.  Now continuing the purification of one who touches the dead, we also have Moses and Aaron accused of failure as now the rock doesn’t produce the water.  Why? 

top center – Moses is told to talk to the rock to reproduce water but in frustration he strikes it.  It does produce water, but Moses’ doubt and anger are “punished” by his being told he will not enter the holy land alive.

bottom right – As the Israelites approach the land the local kings oppose them and here are Jewish representatives to make peace with these other people, but their king rejects the peace offer.

bottom left – More death – Aaron dies, and Moses is told to have one of Aaron’s sons take on the high priest’s role. Upper left the Israelites defeat their opponents but still complain of not liking the food of manna, and they are stricken with a plague and wild snakes attacking them, but Moses protects them with a staff with a copper snake that when viewed cures the disease.  Wonder if it would work with our plagues.

bottom center – Israel’s enemies plan to attack them from the mountains, but these very mountains move together in another miraculous occurrence and these attackers are crushed.  The people sing as the water mix blood of the enemies and purity of water for their thirst.

center center – Having defeated one monster king and destroyed their corrupt cities, the Israelites take on Og, the last of the giants, who lifts a rock to kill Moses, but he strikes him in his ankle and destroys him.  So ends the myths of the giants getting in our way!