The seven Aliyahs of Chayei Sarah
top right – Abraham buys a burying place – Machpelah – from the Hittites who initially offered it for free but were quite ready to take the money and Abraham did not want to owe anything to these hypocrites for a burial place for his dead wife Sarah.
top left – Abraham demands that his servant Eliezar to put his hands under Abraham’s thighs to commit to finding a proper wife for his son Isaac as he buries his wife Sarah.
top center – Eliezar waits by a well to see who might arrive who could be appropriate in empathy to be wife of Isaac. When young Rebecca comes to the well and not only offers water to him but to all his camels, he realizes this woman will be the right wife for Isaac. He offers her bracelets and rings.
bottom right – Rebecca shows her greedy relative Laban the gifts from Eliezar as an angel watches over her to help lead her to her future husband.
bottom left – Isaac rises from his meditation to see coming on camels this young beauty who guided by her angel still is so impressed with this being she almost falls from her camel.
bottom center – Isaac and his estranged brother Ishmael together bury their father Abraham in the cave of Machpelah.
center center – Here is Ishmael and all his descendants, a reminder that there is not an end to those who are willing to oppose the truth and value of others. Stay awake and realize in the end we are all relatives.