Bo (“Hashem said to Moses, go”)

Exodus 10:1 – 13:16

On the night of the last plague, the Hebrews were warned to mark their doors so that the Angel of Death who pass over their homes on its way to taking the life from the first born in the Egyptian households.  The Hebrews sacrificed sheep,  which were a sacred animal to the Egyptians. With the hyssop plant, the blood from the sheep then was used to mark the doors of the homes of the Hebrews.  On the table is the skin of a sheep and also matzo- quickly made bread that has not had time to rise.  They will carry this with them on the journey to freedom from Mitzrayim – the term in Torah used for Egypt which translates as “limited” or “narrow” or “confined”

The Jews had lived in Mitzrayim for over 200 years and almost totally forgotten their traditions and beliefs to the degree that they supposedly had fallen to the 49th negative plateau of spirituality and one more level and they would not have been deserving of freedom.  On this eve, all the Hebrew men recommitted to their belief by circumcision.