The seven Aliyahs of Beshalach

top right – Moses and Aaron bring the Hebrews on a long, convoluted journey led by a pillar of smoke to the red sea.

top left – Moses reassures the frightened Hebrews that the approaching Egyptian chariots will be stopped by Hashem.

top center – Moses is told to lift his staff and the sea separates into 12 sections for each of the tribes to enter their channel to cross the sea.

bottom right – The hand of Hashem oversees the drowning of the Egyptian warriors and Miriam and others sing a song of praise to Hashem for salvation.

bottom left – Hashem connects with Moses as Aaron tells the Hebrews that they will be daily provided for – in this case food – sustenance. 

bottom center – Manna each morning is on the dew and feeds all but those who are selfish wanting more than their share, their provisions turn to rot with worms consuming their possessions.  A jar was filled with these blessings and someday will be found, and this gift of Hashem will be clear.

center center – Still the Hebrews complain.  Not enough water and Moses is told by Hashem to touch a rock and water pours out; and then the Amelekites, precursors of the Nazis and QAnon, attack the Hebrews and when the exhausted Moses raises his hands, the Hebrews triumph, but when not, the Hebrews are being defeated, so Joshua and Hur help raise Moses’ hands so the Hebrews can stop these bullies.  Even the inspired leaders need our support.