This is the first of a new set of visual responses to Torah using the Zohar which is spiritual commentary on Torah and more. When we read the first Aliyah of this first parsha in the Torah, we have such a positive feeling of creation. And it was good. Remarkable. A miracle. (see below) But two Aliyah’s later comes the beginning of our decline as a species. We kill our brother, we are self-centered, jealous, and deceitful. Even with the remarkable abilities we have been given, we destroy, often heartlessly, the wonders before us. Adam, who according to Zohar was both male and female, was given a book of wisdom. His skin colors here are the colors of the four worlds we live in simultaneously according to Kabbalah. Adam’s behavior was so dishonorable, that forced out of Gan Eden, the book was taken away from him and we lost a guidance for deep interconnection with all that is, with the past and with the future. May we remove our blinders and selfishness and recognize the gifts of life and act as one with creation, and then maybe that book will be returned for our guidance for deep interconnection with all that is, with the past and with the future. May we remove our blinders and selfishness and recognize the gifts of life and act as one with creation, and then maybe that book will be returned for our guidance.