Who are the righteous?  This parsha speaks to the shmita, in the past celebrated every seventh year.  A time where we are not to plant or reap, but to let the land alone, and trust that Hashem will provide.  Seven becomes a theme in our history. Here are the seven generations oftzadikim who courageously raised us to deeper spiritual connections as a people. Starting with Abraham (blue) and his kindness opened tent to all, to Isaac (red) who provided us with wells, to Jacob (yellow) who fathered the tribes, to Levi with music officiating in our spiritual rituals, to one of his son’s Kehot who took care of the ark, to Amram the father of Moses who lead the Israelites while in Egypt, to finally Moses himself whose righteousness was so high that he brought us the Torah (here with the letter zayin which is also the number 7) and the return of the protective Shekhinah.  May we still benefit from all their gifts.