The seven Aliyahs of Behar
top right – Moses on Mt Sanai declares the sounding of the shofars for the Jubilee year (every 49 years) – and all slaves are to be set free and the six years of produce will provide for the one where we refrain from agricultural endeavors.
top left – We are to do business ethically. And land reverts to the original owner during the Jubilee year.
top center – What will we eat in this seventh year? We are reassured that the sixth year will be productive for storage and provide for more years of abundance.
bottom right – A fair price is always to be provided for land exchanges.
bottom left – Homes inside walls are valued for their full value but those outside the walls are treated differently and Levites are to be provided for and we are to come to the aide of our relatives in financial need and not to charge interest.
bottom center – We are to treat anyone in slavery respectfully.
center center – And we are to free slaves during Jubilees and not to worship idols.