The seven Aliyahs of Bechukotai
Like the previous parsha, the present relevance of these Aliyahs is challenging.
top right – We are promised blessing of rain and produce if we follow Torah.
top left – We are also promised military successes where five of ours will defeat hundreds of theirs.
top center – But if we abandon Torah we will suffer terrifying punishments, disease, destruction of our cities, and our skies will be polluted and we will be like piles of corpses.
bottom right – Moses speaks to the varying worth of individuals pledged to Temple service from the young to the old.
bottom left – Here the Kohen values the worth of a field endowed to the Temple.
bottom center – The firstborn animal are offered to the Kohen.
center center – Tithing is 10% exemplified by counting the tenth animal to be sacrificed.