This haftorah is filled with imagery starting with a statement that the children of Israel will be like the sand of the sea, limitless. This doubtfully refers to our numbers and now more to our influences. But if we abandon our connections to Hashem then we will be like the harlot stripped naked dying of thirst and her children will suffer. She will be closed off from Hashem with a fence of thorns and she will be disgraced before her lovers and her possessions shall be destroyed like beasts attacking her vines and fig trees. But should she, we, return, Hashem will make a covenant with us and existence symbolized ranging from creeping things to the birds, breaking the bow and sword, providing us with our needs here shown by the olive and grapes and wine in the upper left. And we/she shall then be singing in hope and freedom. And we will be betrothed to Hashem, surrounding us with loving kindness and righteousness. The haftorah ends with the line: “You are my people” and we say: “You are my God.” How to have this perspective when our realities seem so oppressive?