The seven Aliyahs of Haazinu

top right – Hashem is called a rock, a foundation for us, and provides the gifts of rain and dew so we survive.

top left – We, the descendants of Jacob, are the apple of the eye of Hashem – a phrase that originates here.  And Hashem is compared to the protective parent eagle of its young.

top center – But as often in Torah, we are reminded of our selfishness sucking honey from the rock and getting fat on  produce and worshiping other deities, like money.

bottom right – And we are warned that Hashem’s might – arrows and sword – will strike us man, woman, child and elder, if we continue to be distracted by the false rocks of deceit and arrogance which will be consumed in fire.

bottom left – Continuing the threats that we will stumble and our riches will be like snakes in wine and the distracting other gods will be struck down.

bottom center – Yet Hashem promises to lift up a hand of help and destroy the megalomaniacal misleading villains and we will sing in praise of Hashem’s kindness. 

center center – Yet Moses is told that he is to go onto the mountain to look onto the promised land but cannot go there himself.  It is for us to realize the dream.