One Midrash on this parsha has a surprising twist on the angels that ascended and descended on the ladder during Jacob’s “dream.”  As the 12 rocks he placed under his head supposedly stones from the altar on which his father was almost sacrificed, these twelve suggesting his twelve sons and the tribes to then emerge from them, these stones melted into one object that became a soft pillow for him to lie on.  And the angels – the types mentioned in Torah and Haftorah – the cherubim with four heads, the seraphim with six wings and bright as fires, and the ophanim – all these angels (Hebrew translates actually as messengers – melachim) were actually descending and ascending on Jacob’s body – like jumping up and down on him to “wake” him up to his spirituality and his purpose.  The color yellow, as is Jacob, is associated with the Kabbalah Sephirot of Tiferet – balance, harmony.  The purple of some of the angels is associated with the world of their origin – Yetzirah – the world of formation and dreams.