The seven Aliyahs of Eikev:

top right – This first Aliyah has many promises if we abide by the declarations in the Torah. We will be productive, healthy children, healthy animals, an abundance of fruit and grain and wine and oil (olive that is!) and Hashem’s metaphorical hand will protect us as we destroy false grasping for money idols and would be kings who will be attacked by hornets while we continue to teach our children the deeper truths.

top left – When we are fortunate with possessions and wealth, we sometimes forget where these blessings truly come from, forgetting that we have been saved from slavery and vicious attacks on our journey and given water miraculously from stone. How blessed we have been.  How much we have forgotten.

top center – Because we are stiff necked people and even when given the remarkable ten declarations or commandments we were quick even with Aaron’s well-meaning but misguided help to turn to worshiping golden idols.

bottom right – Moses argued for our survival and returned to Sinai for another 40 days where Hashem re-wrote the commandment and Moses placed them in a wooden ark.

bottom left – We are told we will multiply like the stars in the cosmos and reminded that the Egyptians warriors drowned in the sea and that our own counter-revolters were swallowed by the earth.  We are told to care for the orphan and the window and feed and love the stranger for we were stranger too.

bottom center – If we keep the truths before us – binding them before our eyes and on our arms and teaching them to our children and marking the doorposts of our houses and gates with these truths we will benefit from the blessings of Hashem like the healing rains.

center center – And our soles (souls) will step on the holiest of lands between the oceans and the rivers – where Israel is today.