The seven Aliyahs of Devarim:

top right – Moses speaks to all the tribes, all the people that were there and that are here.  He reminds us how we slip away from truth and faith even after destroying enemies.  Note that now he is no longer the vehicle through which Hashem speaks, but he now speaks as our teacher himself.

top left – Moses has distributed responsibilities to those who will be commanders, those who will be fair judges, those who will be teachers, and those who will be like police, protecting others.

top center – Moses reminds us of the deceit of the spies who lied about what we faced and at the same time the honesty of Joshua and Caleb who had gone with them. The people had been guided by the pillars of smoke and fire – miracles but often we take miracles for granted and still complain.

bottom right – The next generation, the children are mentioned for they will carry the faith.  And the arrogance of going against Hashem’s words is repeated retelling the defeat of the Hebrews who were told not to fight but did anyway and were defeated as the enemy came down from the mountain.  They were also compared to bees in that the first strike is painful but then the creature expires as did this enemy.

bottom left – The people head toward the promised land and do not disturb their distant relative tribes’ descendants of Essau and Lot Moab and Amon. King Sihon however will not let us pass.

bottom center – Moses steps on the protective angel of these belligerent kings who are both destroyed and their cities as well. Og the last of the giants is crushed by the very mountain he lifted to destroy us. Moses reminds the tribes of Rueben, Gad and Manasseh who wanted the land on the other side of the Jordan that they were still to come to the aid of their brethren when in tourble.

center center – Moses also tells them and the people that Joshua will take them into the promised land and be their next leader.