The seven Aliyahs of Massei:

Here comes another challenging portion which lists all the places the Hebrews stopped at during their 40 years in the desert.  Why?  Maybe to remind us that there are steps we have to take to get to the heights?

top right – Here are the first 7 stops.

top left – And then the next 35.

top center – Moses instructs the people after crossing the Jordan to destroy the Canaanites and their idols.

bottom right – Representatives of each tribe are assigned leadership with the Kohen Gadol and Joshua.

bottom left – Moses tells the people to create six cities of refuge for those who are escaping vengeance from accidentally killing another.

bottom center – A unintentional murderer whatever the cause is confined to one of the cities till the death of the Kohen Gadol.

center center – Those daughters of Zelophehad are married to members of their own tribe of Manasseh to insure the continuation of the inheritance.