The seven Aliyahs of Pinchas

top right – After a plague that took the lives of those who had abandoned the faith Moses was then told by Hsahem to make a count of the people.

top left – All the tribes are mentioned with their leaders and numbers totaling 601,730.

top center – The daughters of Zelophehad who had no sons make a claim to their equality in the distribution of land and Moses acknowledges the equity of their request.

bottom right – Moses is told to bless and infuse Joshua to be the next leader of the people.

bottom left – And now we return to the various sacrifices, hard to relate to in our time.

bottom center – And some of these sacrifices are specifically made to honor certain holidays like Pesach and Yom Kippur.

center center – And here is the listing of all the animals to be sacrificed through Sukkot at Shemini Atzeret with numbers starting at 14 and going down to one.  From multiplicity to the oneness.