The seven Aliyahs of Korach
top right – Moses is accused by Korach a Levite and his allies Dathan and Abiram of the tribe of Reuben with others that Moses is being too high handed in his leadership and that they should share leadership equally.
top left – Moses proposes that these opponents bring their censors before the opening of the Mishkan to be presented before Hashem.
top center – This selfish rebellion is squashed with the earth swallowing up Korach and his families and others being burned by a fire from above. Moses is told to have a kohen collect the censors to be reused for good.
bottom right – Others who rejected truth were then struck down by a plague and Aaron instructed by Moses runs with a censor and incense to stop the plague seizing the avenging angel.
bottom left – Yet still Moses has to defend his position being our access to Hashem. He tells the leaders of all the tribes to have their staffs place before the ark and Aaron’s sprouts flowers and almonds. This ‘miracle’ convinces the others of the justification of the kohens being the high priests responsible for helping us acknowledge the greatness of Hashem.
bottom center – The kohens are allowed to eat from the first produce of fruit and animal with the Levites serving in the Mishkan and the first-born child being symbolically having its sacrifice redeemed by the submission of five shekels.
center center – The cycle of the tithing. The Israelite give one tenth of its produce to the Levite who give one tenth of that to the kohen. These latter two tribes have not land, they are committed to the spiritual.