The seven Aliyahs of Behaalotecha
top right – Moses is instructed by Hashem to tell his brother Aaron to keep the menorah lit and that all the lights should head toward the center – all is one. And Moses also shaves the Levites and sprinkles them with cleansed waters, and they make sacrifices, and they prepare for their service. Ritual is needed to proceed commitment.
top left – Aaron is to wave the Levites before their sacred service (he must have been strong to lift them!) and others extend their help.
top center – Moses and Aaron are confronted by Jews who want to celebrate Pesach but have been in contact with a dead body which separates them for a time from the community. Can they still celebrate? Yes, they can – a second Pesach.
bottom right – Moses is instructed to make silver trumpets that will gather the community for celebrations and protection.
bottom left – Moses wants to convince his father-in-law to stay with the people, but he refuses. It is the Israeli tribe that will march on guided by the cloud followed by the contents of the Mishkan. We are on the move.
bottom center – The complaints of the people wanting the tastes of Egyptian imprisonment from garlic to watermelon makes Moses ready to give up, but he is told by Hashem to gather 70 leaders to help. The initial complainers are destroyed in Hashem’s fire and Joshua learns that there are two who are prophesying. He thinks Moses should stop them, but Moses says we all should be so blessed as to be prophets for the good of all.
center center – The complaining people are fed by Hashem with a flock of quails to the point their teeth break up. Greed leads to destruction. Moses is accused by his sister and brother for not being intimate with his Midian wife, but Miriam is struck with a skin disease for being so critical of her brother publicly not understanding that Hashem is literally speaking to Moses voice to voice and his being is transcending physical desires. Tough place to be, in a body and beyond it.