The seven Aliyahs of Naso
The fifth and sixth Aliyahs are strange here. They are long and repetitive with the same gifts from each tribe and their leaders to the Mishkan. The famed Torah commentator Rashi doesn’t go to the possible mystical interpretations. On one level the same gifts are a sign of all of us being equal.
top right – Hashem tells Moses the responsibilities of the Levites Gershon in caring for the coverings of the objects of the Mishkan.
top left – Another group of Levites is told by Moses and Aaron to take care of walls and poles.
top center – Again certain people with “defects” are not allowed into the Mishkan. This includes those with leprosy, or having genital emissions, or those who have touched dead bodies. And those who have robbed must confess and return money to the offended or the priest.
bottom right – Here are the rituals concerning the “sotah” who may have committed adultery and the one who commits to abstention from wine. And more important is the hands representing the priestly blessing.
bottom left – And here comes the lists of gifts that Moses speaks to – the silver plates and bowls and golden and spoons and animals from each of the tribes.
bottom center – And this continues with the last of the tribes. The same offerings.
center center – And lastly Moses enters the Mishkan and between the cherubim on the ark comes the communications from Hashem to Moses. All of these Aliyahs are us extending ourselves to connect to truth and Hashem.